joe Sterne, not so sterne Photograph, us1, California coast, beach, sunset

An Adventure to the Coast!

not so sterne photography, google glass, joe Sterne, not so sterne Photograph, us1, California coast, beach, sunset

It’s an adventure! Well, it wasn’t that far away….

Jules surprised me this past weekend (the weekend before my birthday) with a fun trip to the coast. We brought a whole bunch of cameras- from Glass to film to my old stalwart Rebel. We also tested out our new camera…which will be a new post ๐Ÿ™‚

joe Sterne, not so sterne Photograph, us1, California coast, beach, sunset joe Sterne, not so sterne Photograph, us1, California coast, beach, sunset joe Sterne, not so sterne Photograph, us1, California coast, beach, sunset

not so sterne photography, google glass, not so sterne photography

joe Sterne, not so sterne Photograph, us1, California coast, beach, sunset joe Sterne, not so sterne Photograph, us1, California coast, beach, sunset

Man, did we have fun! Got to watch the sunset go down over the pacific ocean. Reminded me how lucky I am and how lucky I am to experience this.

joe Sterne, not so sterne Photograph, us1, California coast, beach, sunset joe Sterne, not so sterne Photograph, us1, California coast, beach, sunset joe Sterne, not so sterne Photograph, us1, California coast, beach, sunset joe Sterne, not so sterne Photograph, us1, California coast, beach, sunset joe Sterne, not so sterne Photograph, us1, California coast, beach, sunset joe Sterne, not so sterne Photograph, us1, California coast, beach, sunset

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